1. 风险评估 Risk assessment
2. 召回程序和实施模拟召回 Recall procedure and simulation recall drill
3. 事故管理程序Incident Management Procedure
4. 木制栈板控制政策和检查记录Wood pallet control policy and inspection records
5. 生产用水(作为产品的一部分)的控制 Drinking water control for products using water as part of final products
6.清洁计划,清洁程序和记录Sanitation Schedule, Cleaning procedures and implementation
7. GMP相关的卫生培训 GMP related training
8. 防霉控制 Mold control
9. 利器控制 Sharp tool control
10. 化学品控制 Chemicals control
11. 虫害控制 Pest control
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